iOS 17 has been officially with us for four months now. And there are still many features promised and yet to arrive. iOS 17.3 will arrive at the start of the year, and it’s a good move by Apple to introduce some of them. iOS 18, on the other hand, will be presented at WWDC24 in June Before that date, groups will begin anticipating new features. that will be launched in Apple’s new operating system, but before… Let’s create a new list of iOS 17 and iOS 18 features we expect for 2024.


iOS 17 will end in 2024, and iOS 18 will begin its journey.

We start this list with undoubtedly one of the most anticipated functions since June of this year: Shared playlists on Apple Music This function has been threatened several times after appearing in developer beta, but Apple has not yet decided on any final version, which is causing a bit of user fatigue. It is very likely that in iOS 17.3 this function will finally appear, as we have seen in the past few days.

Another feature that Apple has postponed to 2024 is Supports AirPlay in hotel rooms This was presented in June at the presentation of iOS 17. However, a few weeks ago Apple announced its presentation in early 2024. Remember that this function will allow us to transfer audio-visual content from our device to the television. of the hotel

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On the other hand, we are still waiting for the release of First car with next generation CarPlay Announced at the end of 2023, but taking into account that there is less than a week left until the end of the year…this important event will undoubtedly occur throughout 2024. Like Opening third-party app stores on iOS and iPadOS At least in the European Union, to comply with European Parliament legislation relating to the Digital Markets Act.

Many more features may come.

There is no doubt that one of the highlight functions of iOS 18 is artificial intelligence This will have significant value and importance beyond what is currently available through machine learning. Integrating its own learning system and LLM will give Siri even more actionable capabilities. This is closer to the functionality we can give ChatGPT or Google Bard today.

Finally, we can expect two more pieces of news. First, Application of the RCS cross-platform messaging standard. in Apple Messages that may arrive with iOS 18 and end a years-long conflict And finally it is possible. iOS Roadside Assistance Extension Go to various places more than the United States How to increase your iPhone’s ability to act in emergency situations