WWDC is one of the most important times of the year for Apple. It’s the largest event for developers in the Big Apple and is held every year in early June. At the event, software news for the upcoming year is showcased. And after that there will be a beta launch immediately. So that developers can start testing the new operating system. Obviously, WWDC24 will bring big changes to iOS 18, integrating generative AI with the Siri virtual assistant. Everything is still a rumor and many aspects remain unknown. But it looks like Apple is about to take the next step we’ve all been waiting for.

iOS 18 will include next-generation AI-enhanced Siri.

We’ve been hearing for a long time about artificial intelligence at Apple, machine learning models, languages… but we still don’t understand anything concrete. What we are clear about is in the Cupertino headquarters. They are advancing in many realms at the same time. Actually the name. Ajax is the person chosen to refer to artificial intelligence model This is where you will drive the majority of your tools over time.

Everything seems to indicate, according to the latest publications, that Siri will have big changes with iOS 18, and all of them will be presented at this year’s WWDC24. Siri will also get Natural conversations with enhanced user customization. This is thanks to the integration of this generation AI with Ajax.

It is still too early to predict what kind of next generation AI Siri will integrate. But integrations that are similar to shortcuts or what are called ” Apple-specific creative services«. The door is still wide open to connect Siri with external services via API, something we’ve been waiting for for a long time, and with AI integration this could be good news.

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Finally, there are a series of rumors that suggest that part of this artificial intelligence is connected to Siri. It will be offered as a subscription service. This means that not everyone will have access to the same functionality, and that Apple’s services work very well and may find new business avenues.