In the past few months We’ve seen dozens of Apple executives leave their positions in Cupertino to face other challenges. Last December we learned that. Tang Yew Tan, Apple’s chief design officer, leaves the company This meant heavy losses due to the high skill and decision-making power that Tan had on the design team. What we didn’t know was what Tang’s new challenge would be. Enter LoveFrom, Jony Ive’s company. Former Apple Design Chief Design products with artificial intelligence

Jony Ive’s LoveFrom to develop products for OpenAI

Jony Ive is a famous British industrial designer. Having been Apple’s lead product designer for many years, in 2019 I decided to leave my role in the Big Apple. proceeded to create LoveFrom, his design company. Since then, Apple and LoveFrom have maintained a professional relationship. Because the purpose of Ive’s company is to provide advice and explore new design approaches. It wasn’t until July of last year that the two companies stopped working together.

As part of the effort, outgoing Apple executive Tang Tan will join Ive’s design company, LoveFrom, which will redefine the look and capabilities of the product. According to people familiar with the matter

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A few hours ago we found out about this. Apple’s current chief design officer will join LoveFrom The goal is to create products that integrate artificial intelligence. Much of this comes from the hands of OpenAI, with Sam Altman at the helm. In fact, Bloomberg claims that Ive and Altman have been in talks to work on the project. New “artificial intelligence hardware”

As we’ve mentioned, it’s not only Tang Yew who left Apple to join LoveFrom, other Apple executives and employees also made the leap, such as Shota Aoyagi, who worked with Ive at Apple on the industrial design team. We’ll see in the coming weeks if we know anything more about this. New products with artificial intelligence that OpenAI is planning With Jonny Ive