Arm announces long-term partnership with Raspberry Pi Foundation

Raspberry Pi 5

For some time, we’ve discussed the possibility of a Raspberry Pi Foundation based SoC with a RISC-V-based processor rather than the current Arm designed by Broadcom, although the idea looks interesting from many perspectives. But the truth is that it won’t happen. At least for the next few years. And this is because Arm has announced a strategic investment agreement.a is the foundation for SBC design and production, so the Pi will remain tied to Arm.

As for Arm, they managed to keep this popular SBC going. which helps nourish the ecosystem as well more attention for developing operating systems and software for this architecture And in return, the Rasbperry Pi Foundation receives very important support from participating as a sponsor.

Rasbperry Pi 5 comes with some interesting new features and with this SBC it is possible to carry out new projects. IoT and artificial intelligenceSomething Arm is also focusing on Cortex CPU and MCU cores for these markets. By strengthening this cooperation Many manufacturers and developers will be interested in working on the Arm platform and vice versa. It reduces the temptation for the Pi to get chips based on competing RISC-V (remember that the Raspberry Pi Foundation is also a member of RISC-V).

from the arm Paul WilliamsonSenior Vice President and General Manager of Arm’s IoT Business Group said: The reason behind this investment: :

Arm and Raspberry Pi share a vision of making computing accessible to everyone. By removing barriers to innovation To enable anyone, anywhere to learn, experiment, and build new IoT solutions, with the rapid growth of AI applications at the edge and in endpoints, platforms like the Arm-based Raspberry Pi are critical. Driving adoption of high-performance IoT devices worldwide By helping developers innovate faster and easier This strategic investment is further evidence of our continued commitment to the developer community and our partnership with Raspberry Pi.

Eben UptonThe founder and CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation also expressed their gratitude:

Arm technology has always been at the center of the platforms we build. And this investment is an important step in our long-standing partnership. Using Arm technology as the foundation of current and future products gives us access to computing power. energy efficiency and the broad software ecosystem we need as we continue to remove barriers to entry for everyone. From students and enthusiasts to professional developers who use large-scale commercial IoT systems

Even after the agreement was announced publicly No details were provided regarding the amount invested. Or more details about the agreement…

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