Arduino PRO Portenta HAT Carrier: Combine Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

Portenta HAT provider

From Turin, Italy, we received a very interesting press release. This involves open source hardware, specifically Arduino, and has already been announced. Portenta HAT providerThis new HAT joins the Arduino PRO family of high-performance devices designed to turn the Portentoso X8 into an industrial-grade SBC compatible with the Raspberry Pi ecosystem.

The Portenta HAT Carrier doesn’t just do that. Compatible with Portentoso X8 and also compatible with Portenta H7 and Portenta C33.Therefore, it allows the Portenta module to be easily expanded with multiple peripherals, including an official Raspberry Pi HAT with a 40-pin Model B header, as well as Ethernet connectivity, a microSD slot, and a USB port.

With this New components of Arduino PRO, you can prototype and scale them.There is also a dedicated JTAG pin for quick project debugging. Built-in CAN transceiver for industrial applications, 8 additional analog I/Os, and a PWM connector for fans to cool the board. The Portenta HAT Carrier also has a designed interface. Made for professional customers using the famous Raspberry Pi Foundation SBC.

“The Portena Hat Carrier provides a unique bridge between the Arduino and Raspberry Pi® ecosystems, offering professionals a modular platform for prototyping complete industrial applications.”

Massimo Banzi, Co-Founder, President and CMO of Arduino

Mass compatibility for Raspberry Pi allows us to offer a complete experience for building many Linux-based projects. Portenta HAT Carrier, on the other hand, is not only designed for specific projects. only But it is also designed. for industrial worksuch as controlling the movement of a robot. Vision systems to detect abnormalities or classify manufactured parts. vehicle inspection, etc.

If you are interested in this Arduino PRO Portenta HAT Carrier, you should know that it is Available to order today at the Arduino Store and from major official Arduino distributors. Its price is 39 euros.

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