How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is coming to WhatsApp and in this article I’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to enable or disable WhatsApp’s artificial intelligence. This AI will be used to create photos, stickers, and other services. As time passes Which I will tell you about below.

It’s no secret that Mark Zuckerberg wants to add Meta AI to WhatsApp. In September, Meta announced plans to launch a AI-powered chatbot to the messaging platform. However, what’s new is that the WABetaInfo store has found a cute little button in WhatsApp that allows users to quickly start chatting with AI with just one tap. Let’s take a look!

With the WhatsApp update in November The application continues to expand its artificial intelligence services. It is currently still available in beta. It’s like that. WhatsApp will join the AI ​​trend, but it won’t be mandatory. WhatsApp’s artificial intelligence will be an additional feature. which users can enable or disable as desired.


This will be WhatsApp’s artificial intelligence.

How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

You’ll find a new AI button in the chat tab. It’s above the green icon. «Start a new chat»Previously, AI-powered chats were hidden somewhere in the user’s contact list.

Ultimately, things seem to be staying that way. WhatsApp will introduce a new artificial intelligence button that will appear in the conversation view. This button will launch various artificial intelligence chatbots. in messaging applications, but It’s a rather annoying button and not every WhatsApp user wants to use it.

Because of this, Meta decided to make the Artificial Intelligence button optional. So that WhatsApp users can disable AI through a simple setting.

When you tap a new shortcut An AI-powered chatbot will be launched, designed to provide friendship. Personal advice and fun interactions Users can access it by downloading the latest beta version of WhatsApp.

Even though it’s still in beta, WhatApp’s new AI chatbot isn’t supposed to be. “It is far from a solid launch.”

How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

It seems that many users of both iOS and Android messaging applications who have been beta testing the artificial intelligence functionality have criticized the arrival of the new AI button because even though it was just updated when Soon too… More Modern still looks very uncomfortable.

Luckily, Meta listened to its users and decided to create one. Artificial intelligence functions are completely optional. To enable or disable the WhatsApp AI service, you need to follow these steps, which are very simple:

  • first one Open WhatsApp Also available on iOS or Android.
  • Now access the section Settings.
  • Then click on Chat section
  • in the end, Enable or disable the “Show AI Button” button.
  • It’s that easy! If you have the AI ​​feature enabled, a button will appear in the chat conversation that gives you access to various artificial intelligence services.

It’s directly above the “New Chat” button in the bottom-right corner. The button is a white square with a multi-colored ring. A quick tap will launch the Meta AI chatbot. It’s important to note that the AI ​​chatbot is currently an experimental feature and has limited availability.

Obviously, the presence of a function in the beta version of WhatsApp does not guarantee its inclusion in the international version of the same.

What artificial intelligence services are available on WhatsApp?

How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

WhatsApp officially announces the arrival of AI in its messaging application. It includes three services or functions that will be interesting to many iOS users. When artificial intelligence ends its beta period It will spread throughout the world. is only part of “The Long Path of Trial” In WhatsApp chat

Let’s take a look at all the artificial intelligence functions that will be available in WhatsApp on Apple iOS and Android.

AI Stickers: Now you can create custom stickers that express the perfect idea or concept for your chat. A quick way to have your own stickers.

AI Chat: With Meta AI, you can ask any question to learn more about the topics you’re interested in or try to resolve a discussion in your group chat. Plus, get the perspective of many Meta-created characters who interact in interesting ways.

Creating a virtual image: When writing about a topic, AI allows us to create images to express ideas, places, or people.

AI-based WhatsApp bot

How to enable or disable WhatsApp artificial intelligence

To fully understand the importance of an advanced AI WhatsApp bot. It is necessary to understand the difference between rule-based bots and AI bots.

WhatsApp bot according to rules

Rule-based WhatsApp bots are relatively simple and usually rely on a pre-defined set of rules and decision trees. They follow a linear path. Respond to specific keywords or phrases with predefined responses. These bots are ideal for handling routine queries. Providing basic information and automatic simple work

Rule-based bots are like highly trained customer service representatives. They can follow instructions to the letter. But it must contend with more ambiguities and complex conversations. Functionality is limited by the rules you set. and cannot adapt or learn from user interactions (by itself).

AI bot

On the other hand, AI bots It represents the next step in the evolution of conversational agents.Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology. These bots are not restricted by strict rules. Instead, they take advantage of technology such as Natural language processing (NLP)conversation design large language model and self-generated learning to understand and respond to user messages in a more human and context-aware manner.

The main difference is the ability to learn and adapt. These bots can analyze vast data sets of text, recognize patterns, and continuously improve their responses based on user interactions. They can handle more complex and dynamic conversations, understand context, and even provide personalized advice.

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