The launch of Apple Vision Pro is imminent. Apple’s virtual reality glasses are nearing the home of lucky Americans who can afford them. in the past few days Rumors are constantly popping up to find out the exact date the glasses will launch. New Chinese media has claimed that The launch could be Friday, January 26th. The information is consistent with previous reports that the first units would be shipped the first week of February. Sales start from the last week of January.

Save the date: January 26th for Apple Vision Pro sale

Wall Street Insights is the media outlet that received this information and published it a few hours ago. It is a medium aimed at Chinese investors. And it is certain that the launch will take place on Saturday, January 27 in the United States. However, some experts have already summarized the information. It could be that January 27th is a reference to China. and the correct date should be on Friday 26 January.

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The first Apple Vision Pro will be available in late January.

This date would be more appropriate for several reasons. The first is that Apple never launches new products on a Saturday. and vice versa It makes more sense to launch on a Friday to try to capture the attention of as many users, viewers, etc., and doing so on a Saturday limits media action and stock market reaction. So, and seeing as Apple likes Friday to launch new products, January 26th is a pretty likely date.

Keep in mind that Apple Vision Pro will be available for purchase. Only in the USA and valued at $3,500. Apple is working on testing the experience within a physical Apple Store to guarantee that users will have the possibility to choose products as well as configure them. That must be done in the case of prescription eyeglasses and many others.