Windows 12 release date is set: June 2024.

windows 12

After Microsoft released the latest Windows 11 update, the idea that a new version of the operating system had already been implemented began to strengthen. It seems like these are more than just rumors and now the information has leaked. Expected Windows 12 release date: coming June 2024

The recent history of Windows is full of notorious failures such as Windows 8 or Windows Vista, but since the appearance of Windows 10 back in 2015. It looks like Microsoft has found the right path. So we can see that Windows 11 even fails initially. But how successful has it turned out? The announcement of Windows 12 may mean we’ll follow a similar path.

When the date is known (Although the agenda is still changing.) The big question everyone is asking is: What will Windows 12 bring us again? To find out, perhaps the most logical thing to do is to try to see what it’s like to jump from Windows 10 to Windows 11. In this case, we can talk about an almost natural evolution, that is, the new system simply expands the requirements. before and adds TPM, an encryption module that in theory should improve device security and privacy.

windows 12

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The result of all this is that many users switch to Windows. Some return to Windows 10 after giving it a try, and others don’t even bother to take the leap. It doesn’t matter because they all have more or less the same advantages and disadvantages.


What’s new in Windows 12

However, it seems that things will be very different. That’s why many computer manufacturers are preparing new models for next year in anticipation of the technological leaps that Windows 12 will bring. Simply put: Everyone wants to bring the first PC with an artificial intelligence-based operating system to market.

thin news That will come with this new version has already been discussed on this blog. Basically it is the following:

  • Floating taskbarWith a more modern and simple look. This is a purely aesthetic change.
  • different partitions Solutions designed to improve system fluidity and security It’s possible that some files may be on the drive that users can’t access.
  • Integration with AIAll internal parameters of the system are controlled by artificial intelligence or by the user.

Windows 12 and artificial intelligence

AI Windows 12

The arrival of Windows 12 in June 2024, if that date is ultimately kept. Possibly representing a revolution in Microsoft’s history, this year Redmond hinted that users wanting to upgrade their PCs to the still-hypothetical Windows 12 would have to replace certain components of their devices. It is the reason that it is so. Considering that The next operating system will have its own artificial intelligence. That means It will require updated hardware to run.

The song sounds good, though. But in practice, translating the concept of “PC with AI” is not so easy. Tests we’ve seen with Assistant pilot They only have a very limited impact. Many users are still skeptical about this type of development. while others He seemed quite disappointed as he expected more.

What everyone agrees on is that the future depends on the integration of artificial intelligence into operating systems. The question is to find the most appropriate way to achieve the goal. That is the big challenge.

Windows Core PC

Another option that is on the table is design. Modular operating system compatible with all types of devices This way, there will be a special version of Windows 12 specially designed for tablets. Including low-end laptops and PCs

project Windows Core PC The basic objective is to make the operating system modular and highly customizable. It will be installed on multiple partitions. Unlike now where only one partition has write permissions. In a way, it is about Mimics the way other systems work, such as iPadOS or Android. The main advantage is that updates are safer, more stable, and faster.

The idea is good but there are many obstacles such as Compatibility With many programs and applications available So far, Microsoft’s experiments in this area have yielded rather disappointing results.

For all this At this time, it’s impossible to know which path Microsoft will choose. We’ll have time to speculate about this in the coming months. But we will know for sure before June 2024.

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