There’s no doubt that it’s a very busy end of the year in Cupertino. Remember that last week Apple was banned from selling the new Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 for violating some Masimo patents related to oxygen sensors? After the White House did not veto the resolution, Apple appealed to the US Court of Appeals and Court approves ban on new Apple Watch sales until January 10 The day will come when we will have the next step where ITC will be involved.

Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 are back at Apple Stores in the US.

The first step is to withdraw the watch from Apple’s official website and then put it on sale at Apple Stores in the United States. Before the U.S. Court of Appeals vote The people from Cupertino had a plan and that was it. Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 can be made available in bulk to third-party stores. It’s Best Buy style, so in case it’s all suspended. They might benefit somewhat. This might last. But for now Apple will be able to continue selling the Watch until January 10.

The US Court of Appeals issued an interim answer a few hours ago to Apple’s request to withdraw the sanctions imposed by the ITC for Masimo patent infringement. The court has received its answer. Temporary suspension of ITC ban While the appeals court itself is reviewing the request sent by Apple, this will not only allow the Watch to be sold. But it also helps to sell watches. Importing New Watches to the United States

Until January 10th, when the court will give its final verdict and we will know the end of this matter. Between them we have a long road which Apple may negotiate with Masimo to release a watchOS update that restricts censorship or deals to avoid an outright ban starting January 10. However, Masimo may not be up to the task. And an appeals court may decide that software updates will not be enough.