Tips for getting the most out of Microsoft Azure

Even though it has been open for many years But it’s likely that you haven’t decided to give Microsoft Azure a try yet, and you might be missing out on some great perks. There are many users who want to improve their experience. That is why we dedicate this post to collecting. Some ideas and tips to get more out of Microsoft Azure.

For those who don’t know Azure yet, we’ll give a brief explanation. How it works is explained in the following paragraphs. It’s safe to say that although it was a project that saw the light of day in 2008, it didn’t take on the form or name we know today until 2014.


What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud services platform from Microsoft that is compatible with most operating systems (not just Windows). Users can quickly and easily build, deploy, and manage applications across Microsoft’s global network of data centers. easily

Azure server allows us It has all the IT infrastructure we need.. From physical servers and networks to development platforms or storage systems. In total there are more than 200 applications and services, all of which can be “created” in a short time with a simple click. just a few times

Azure services are guaranteed and fully available. Additionally, for our peace of mind They also have all necessary certificates regarding Security and data protection.

Here’s a small summary of the benefits of using Microsoft Azure:

  • Secure storageWith the interesting possibility of having an external backup copy.
  • Integration with other platformsSuch as Microsoft 365, Teams or Sharepoint, which also have their own “cloud”.
  • Scalability and accessibilityWith the flexibility to provide more or less services according to the contract depending on needs.
  • pay per useOne of the most unique and attractive features of Microsoft Azure, especially considering business costs. You only pay for what you use.
  • Integrated workThis allows us to enjoy the advantages of local work and cloud work. thus achieving more efficient performance.

In short, a number of features make this a very convenient tool for small businesses and independent professionals. Although many large companies around the world are also benefiting from it. It is neither completely useless nor an effective formula for optimizing resources.

Tips for using Microsoft Azure better

Want to learn how to manage all your Azure resources and take advantage of all the possibilities this platform has to offer? You just need to spend a little time learning how it works. Here are some suggestions. A few tips to get interesting improvements:

Use SMB 3.0

One of the two standard protocols that Azure Files offers for your file sharing setup is Block server messagesBetter known by the abbreviation SMB.

with SMB 3.0 and later, Azure allows you to share resources and home directories between multiple authorized users. It also provides additional storage for Windows-based applications (such as SQL Server databases) as well as for new application development.

Back up data

All data stored in Azure files is saved using Special encryption It works quite similar to BitLocker in Windows. On the other hand, it also includes Serverless backup Integrate with Azure Backup.

Open port 445

When working with Azure, it is important Make sure port 445 is open.This is basic because SMB communicates over TCP port 445. You also need to verify that there is no firewall blocking this access.

In some cases, you’ll need to configure VPN on-premises in your Azure Storage account. To do this, traffic will go through a secure tunnel. instead of through the internet

Safe and hassle-free migration

Data migrations performed through Azure are completely secure. Thank you application Azure Migrate (Completely free) Detection and evaluation of local resources is carried out. This is the necessary preceding step to complete the migration: technical and business data, databases, and applications.

These migrations are done through a series of steps. that users can track and manage at any time through a central dashboard How to make sure that everything works correctly and without problems?


The above is just a quick summary of what Microsoft Azure can offer us, but there’s actually so much more. The best thing is the user. Individuals or companies can try out various functions for free, tests that help us discover their capabilities and services. Among them there are Store data and information efficientlylike him Developing applications and artificial intelligence in a simple way

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