This is the new design of Microsoft Planner.

This will be the new design of Microsoft Planner.

You could say Microsoft Planner’s redesign is “in the oven.” We don’t yet know when it will be official, but Microsoft has confirmed that interesting news is on the way. One of the most important things is that the tool will have artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Actually, the renewal is very profound. It’s possible that it will even change its name eventually. Let’s take a closer look at what this tool offers us. And what can we expect from this new design?


Microsoft tools to collaborate and manage work

Microsoft tools for managing tasks

Among the Microsoft 365 productivity applications we find Planner, a tool designed to Facilitates team collaboration and task management. At the individual and collective levels

We can plan events Follow the progress and Collaborate easily with others

If you haven’t tried it yet and are wondering why it’s so popular. Here are some reasons:

  • picture board Tasks are grouped into picture boards. So it is easy to understand the status of each job. It tells us which ones are pending. Which one is in progress? And which one is finished? When working as a team, this It is especially useful for enhancing collaboration.
  • Creating and assigning tasks Each user can create tasks and assign them to other team members. Ito It greatly facilitates the distribution of work and helps everyone be clear about what they need to do.
  • Checklist and description in each job We can add a detailed list of items that need to be completed. For example, the specific sections we want to appear in the report.
  • Views and filters Users can segment information in the way that is most useful to them. For example, Grouping tasks by due dateaccording to progress status or according to work assignment
  • Notifications One of its biggest advantages is that it sends us notifications and notifications about our pending tasks. It also informs us of the progress status of the work. So no one gets lost and Everyone on the team knows where everyone else is.

To all this we must add that we can work with different boards. at the same time, therefore, We have organized the information related to each project independently. And the chance of errors or duplication of work is reduced.

And as you can imagine, It is fully integrated with Microsoft 365, thus giving us access to other applications and services such as Outlook, Teams, and SharePoint.

What’s new in the new Microsoft Planner design?

All the news about the new Microsoft Planner design.

Microsoft has always been a leading company when it comes to office automation. and are delivered through programs such as Word or Excel to companies all over the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent years The company has chosen to enhance tools tied to its work ecosystem, such as Planner.

Planner + Pilot

By the information that has been leaked, we can know that Copilot will be available in the new version of Planner. That is, we will be able to take advantage of all the advantages of AI in this tool.

This is another step towards achieving the goals you have. Microsoft turns its focus on bringing AI to the work environment and improve production efficiency Thus making it different from other artificial intelligences.

His role at Planner has not yet been discovered, but mustIt appears to help users create new projects and organize their work more efficiently and quickly. In fact As a project progresses, Copilot can suggest new tasks to complete or add new objectives to tasks.

What awaits us is a link between the To Do application and Microsoft Project. With all the features Planner currently has. and potential improvements from Copilot.

New version of Planner will launch on Microsoft Teams in spring 2024. And a few months later Your new web service will be launched.

Tips for getting more from Microsoft Planner

Here's how you can get the most out of Microsoft Planner.

A new design for Microsoft Planner is coming with many new features. To get the most out of it, It is best that you know this tool deeply and squeeze everything possible. Current functionality To do this You can use these tips:

effective planning

Before starting to use technology Make a basic plan for your project using pencil and paper. setting objectives work to be performed and delivery time

It’s already this clear. You can start creating boards and organizing information. The best possible way

Create a board for each project or sub-project.

If you have multiple projects in progress or A very large project that you will divide into many parts. Create various boards to organize information This gives you a clear and separate vision of what needs to be done at all times. and will prevent you from getting confused.

Assign work

Take advantage of this functionality to assign specific tasks to different team members. This Guaranteed faster progress It also helps you measure the performance of those working with you.

Set expiration date

If you want the work to be completed quickly Even if you don’t work with anyone and work individually. Set a due date for each task. This is an easy way to “press on” and ensure there are no last-minute delays or rushes.

Take advantage of checklists

If the work is complex Use these lists to determine the steps that must be taken to complete the task. Makes work easier and work progresses faster.

A new design for Microsoft Planner is coming soon:We are sure it will make this tool even more useful and practical. In the meantime, don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of all the features and improve your productivity.

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