Psychiatric simulator for a driver’s license | Which one to choose?

Psychological Driver's License Simulator

If you are considering applying for a driver’s license. You should know that for this you have to go through a series of procedures and exams. Therefore, individual preparation will largely determine the outcome. One of the exams that is carried out is a mental exam, which is divided into several stages, to be precise. Today we are going to talk about the best mental simulators to get your driver’s license..

When we talk about simulators You must know that we are referring to some applications from the Play Store. These apps have tests similar to those that are officially administered on the day of your exam.. This will give you a great opportunity to prepare and familiarize yourself with the above exams. All you have to do is download it to your mobile device.


What is a mental test to obtain a driver’s license?

Psychological Driver's License Simulator

It is a series of tests and health examinations that all citizens who wish to obtain a driver’s license must pass. Operated with the aim of Check if you are physically and mentally fit. To be able to drive a car or other vehicle

This group of exams has been certified by the National Health Commission and Must be renewed every 10 years.This way you can check whether you are still in good health for driving. Psychological exam to obtain a driver’s license It guarantees that future drivers will not be a danger to themselves or society.

This psychiatric examination has four steps. This phase involves asking general questions about your health status and personal medical history. in the second time Some mental tests will be carried out. The third test will focus on in your ability to seeFinally, on the fourth day there will be an ophthalmology examination.

What is a mental simulator to get a driver’s license?

When we talk about psychiatric simulators We refer to some apps. Where you can find tests that are the same or somewhat similar to the tests taken in the official exam. These applications It has been developed to help users prepare a little. far away For this experience in each phase that we told you about earlier.

Phase 1: General questions about your health.

Here you will be asked questions about your general health status. So there is no need for an application to help you. Being honest with the examiner is enough.Most people generally have no problem with these questions. And almost everyone is suitable. In the case that you have a specific health problem that may cause some type of disability. Your case will be carefully analyzed.

Phase Two: Mental Testing and Reflexes Psychological Driver's License Simulator


Because you can easily deduce that If we had to choose features for drivers His reaction is probably the first thing we think of. This is precisely what is measured in this phase of the neuropsychological examination. Your ability to respond to certain situations is fundamental.

to practice You can help yourself with some apps. They aren’t exactly the same as the controls you’ll find in official testing, though. But it will give you a fairly realistic idea.

They are between them:

Driving Psychological Test Usage


This is a very simple app where you can simulate some of the tests performed in the above tests. Everything we can find in this app. Subject to Spanish DGT testing.

You will find two sections in it:

  • Curve test
  • Braking test

The app is quite easy to use. Other than that, it has a very simple and basic interface. It is available on the Play Store. While we’ll clarify that their review isn’t the best, it does have 3.2 stars.. From analyzing the app’s comments. We can see that most of the negative reviews claim a lack of touch sensitivity and a slow response.

Psychological Driving Test
Psychological Driving Test

Phase Three: The State of Your Vision

Vision test

For this period We will find a large number of applications in the Play Store, many of which have really positive characteristics.

One of the most successful and recommended are:

Eye exam

Vision test

Very complete and versatile app There are several charts to check your vision. From your home or vacation location

How to use?

  1. First you need to Find yourself in a comfortable and suitable position. You should sit up straight.
  2. Place your smartphones 40 cm apart. about your eyes
  3. in the testYou will encounter random objects, letters, symbols. that you must specify
  4. at the end You will receive a percentage of your vision in each eye.According to the answer you gave

This app has quite good reviews and The number of downloads exceeds one million.. Available in the Play Store at no cost.

Eye exam
Eye exam

Phase Four: Hearing Test

On the day of the psychotechnical exam to receive a driver’s license. They will perform a series of tests to determine your hearing status. This point is very important. This is because the driver must have a very fine ear to play a successful role.

One of the applications we recommend are:

Hearing test

Hearing test

An application that will help you measure your hearing health reliably and similarly to what will be done on exam day. One of the most popular features is that the download is very simple and lightweight. There are two types of tests. The first type for pure tone audiometry. and one type for clarity of speech.

Other notable aspects include:

  • exam Basic and very reliable
  • Measure background noise during testing
  • Classify your hearing loss If you have it
  • Compare the results obtained. with different age ranges
  • You can add notes.
  • Explore test history In the app
  • Adjust the calibration

It is true that this application is free and can be found on the Play Store. Although there is a Pro version with many additional features and tools. It has been downloaded over one million times. In addition to the 4.7 star rating

Hearing test
Hearing test

We hope that in this article You have found all the information related to the test to get your driver’s license. In addition to finding the best psychological simulator for your driver’s license at each stage of this exam. Let us know in the comments if our suggestions were helpful for you. We read your mind.

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