How to remove classic programs in Windows 11

The release of Windows 11 has joined the family Microsoft Many new and improved features to provide a better and more usable user experience. That is why in each version of this prestigious operating system New applications are included by default. Origin Pre-installed In the system, many of these applications are useful to us. Some … Read more

Windows 12 release date is set: June 2024.

After Microsoft released the latest Windows 11 update, the idea that a new version of the operating system had already been implemented began to strengthen. It seems like these are more than just rumors and now the information has leaked. Expected Windows 12 release date: coming June 2024 The recent history of Windows is full … Read more

Cómo configurar una red inalámbrica para invitados

Hay que ser sinceros y admitirlo: ya ninguno de nosotros podría vivir sin Internet. Bueno, tal vez podría, pero… ¿Valdría la pena? Bromas aparte, todos nosotros nos movemos en nuestro día a día con el móvil a cuestas, listo para recibir y responder mensajes, o para consultar cualquier cosa en internet o en una aplicación. … Read more