Life-saving equipment that you wish you had

Every once in a while they invent complicated, useful, and, truth be told, curious devices. It is a device that should not be missed. Because we are in the season of giving and asking for gifts. If you don’t know what to give to that special someone. Or are you an adventurous person and would like to introduce to your loved ones what they would like to ask of the Three Kings for you? For Valentine’s Day, Friendship Day, your birthday, Saint or just to show you how wonderful you are. Write these things down. Gadgets to save your life Who knows, at some point you might just be grateful to have it in your hand.

There are all kinds and some unbelievable types, such as poison pumps, protection rings. Suction cup prevents choking or a self-powered life jacket And this is only a small part. Because we can talk about many other creative tools.

If you are in any situation of EmergencyYou’ll be impressed to have these devices on hand. Write it down in your personal journal and start compiling your wish list for when they ask you what you want and don’t know what to give. Give it to you or buy it when the time comes.


The truth is that it might seem crazy to think of such an object. But if you stop and think about it It’s not too crazy to imagine ourselves in a situation where we would be grateful to be around. Toxic suction pumpHave you ever been stung by a spider, wasp or bee? You’re lucky if you don’t. But anyone who has to face this situation Even jellyfish on the beach or snakes if we go into the forest.

In these cases Venom pumps are undeniably useful. And using it is so simple that you don’t have to be a genius to remove the venom from your bite or from the bite of another person you want to help.

It consists of a vacuum pump through which you can suck out the venom. And it comes with everything needed for the procedure, such as post-detox wound dressings and sterilizing cloths for cleaning the wound. and shaver if bitten in an area with hair Before proceeding, venom extraction

It’s a brand name product. Sawyer that you can buy online

Temperature sleeping bag

Basic stuff for anyone going on an adventure or camping trip. Because of this Temperature sleeping bag It doesn’t matter where the night takes you. Because you can sleep comfortably anywhere. Even though the outside temperature is low

The ideal is to come with portable heating blanket with usbso that the bag receives a higher temperature There may be extremely cold situations and even accidents where it is necessary to keep warm. Save your life or help others

Do you want to buy it? On Amazon you have it so that you can buy it without leaving your home and without getting dizzy in searching the Internet.

Self-propelled life-saving machine

You see someone in danger drowning at sea but you’re not sure how to swim well enough to take the risk of diving in to help. Has it happened to you? Acting bravely could mean that the two of you are ultimately at risk. Not just one person, so the ideal is to have something like Self-propelled life-saving machine.

This savior is smart. Because it acts from a distance There is an electric motor and a controller so that you can navigate to the person in question without moving from the place and without jumping into the water yourself.

You can find Self-propelled life-saving machine in the same thing Yousef website.

Always stay safe with this protection ring.

he Protection ring Its main purpose is to serve as a protective weapon for women traveling alone. You hold it on your finger wherever you want. And if you have to defend yourself from invaders? You just take it out and plug it in. Not a knife or sharp object But you can stab and stun the invader.

he Go and record it. Perfect for when you go jogging or walking. But you can supplement it with other devices for self-protection, such as an alarm sounder. Finger tip or ring with panic button That automatically activates alerts and emergency contacts or family members if you enable the button.

Emergency antenna to provide always-on internet

Going somewhere to spend a few days and finding out you don’t have coverage can be scary. But for this emergency antennaThis keeps you protected at all times, no matter where you are. Because it will set up a private network where you can send your location. If you are in danger or lost and can send messages

It is an invention of Gotenna.

Multi-purpose water filter, so you won’t run out of water.

Dehydration can be fatal. Therefore, you will have universal water filter. Makes water pure and suitable for consumption. If you are in nature and run out of water You can take the water you see through this filter and drink it safely.

Helmet with airbag For your motorcycles and bicycles

Accidents are unpredictable. And when you ride a motorcycle or bicycle Protecting your head is important. This helmet has an airbag. It can save your life if you are attacked.

USB hammer for car

With this Ztylus additional tools… You can break a car window if there’s an accident and you’re stuck. It can also cut seat belts with the built-in blade.

It charges in the car via USB and you can buy it on Amazon.

Suction cup prevents choking

Seeing someone choking and not being able to do anything to help them is distressing. Therefore, it has a suction cup to prevent choking. It’s probably the best idea. You just need to place it between the mouth and nose of the person who is choking and move vertically from top to bottom to remove food or objects stuck in the windpipe.

Multifunctional keychain

another pair of devicesto save your life And it helps you escape from many problems.hel Multifunctional keychain. With this device You can open doors, bottles, and even use non-contact buttons such as bells or elevators. Beautiful during Covid To avoid touching areas that have been exposed to the virus

These are Gadgets to save your life You should have it close to home, at home, and when you go out. Because you never know when they will get you out of a complicated situation.

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