Instructions: How to split cells in Excel, step by step

Excel has so many functions that managing them all seems almost impossible. However, gradually you can learn the most common functions and put them to use. Until you become a true expert. In this case, we would like to talk with you about How to split cells in Excel

Very useful when working with spreadsheets with large amounts of data. Even if you use a program other than Excel, the steps we will see will still work for you.


Why is it useful to know how to split cells in Excel?

Having this ability can help you a lot in that regard. Work quickly and efficiently with spreadsheets.. Pay attention to the following reasons why it is beneficial for you to know how to do this:

Improve presentation When dividing cells pYou can highlight and segment the most important information. Something that will improve the presentation of your spreadsheets and help you understand your data better.

  • Facilitates data management If you want to split a text string into smaller parts, You can do this using this function. For example, if you enter first and last names of people in cells, you can slice the data and enter first names in one cell and last names in another.
  • data analysis by cell division You will organize the information according to your needs. And it makes the analysis work much easier.
  • Importing external data If you are importing data from an external source into Excel, the data may not perfectly meet your needs. However, with cell division, You can organize it however you see fit.
  • Facilitates sorting and filtering When you work with large amounts of data By dividing cells, information can be organized more efficiently. and broken down into different parts that is more manageable
  • create graphics Using the split operation, you can easily create graphs that help you visualize the data you care about.
  • Advanced features. If you use other advanced features of Excel, cell division can be useful to create custom labels. Or use conditional formatting and highlight some data.

How to split cells in Excel step by step

Obviously, this is a very interesting function for both beginner spreadsheet users and more expert users. Therefore, below we will describe in detail step by step how to do this division quickly and easily.

Separate previously joined cells in Excel

In some cases, we use the option to combine cells to group data. If the cells you are working with are the result of a previous merger Separating cells is very easy.

Click on the combined cell and go to “start” in the top toolbar, then go “Alignment” and click on the cell merging icon A drop-down menu will open where you will see the options. “Separate cells”. This will split the cells you previously joined and restore them to their original state.

Split cells into multiple columns

Imagine that we have created a database that contains the names and positions of each person in our company. so that each person’s information is recorded in one cell, but now We want that information to be keep the name on one side and the position in the cell on the other What we need in this case is to divide the cell into multiple columns.

To achieve this goal We’ll use a little trick: the Column Text Alignment tool. We select the cells that we want to work with and go to the “Data” tab on the toolbar. Then go to the subgroup. “Information tools”. A dialog box will appear whose purpose is to help us convert text into columns.

We will select it as the separator. “space”. The “Table” option appears to be selected by default. You can leave it as is or not. This is because it will not affect the final result.

In the preview window You’ll see how Excel will split cells if that’s not what you want. Keep marking new separators until the data is completely divided as you want. When you’re ready, click “finish” And you’re done. Your data is now divided into multiple cells in consecutive columns.

Split cells in Excel into one or more rows

Suppose you do not want to divide the contents of a cell into consecutive columns but into rows. To achieve this goal We can use row and column swap function.

We follow the same steps as we saw in the previous section. So that the cell contents are divided into multiple cells that are collected in contiguous columns. When we’re ready We will move the columns to turn them into rows.

We select the data range that we want to work with and click on “Copy”. Now we go to the first cell where we want to transfer data. Select it and click “Place” > “Move” And we’ve prepared it.

An important problem when splitting cells in Excel and converting them to different columns or rows: we need to make sure that there is no data written in the new cells that we will use, because It will be overwritten and we will lose the original content of those cells.

With the slight modifications we have seen You can make the data in your spreadsheets much better organized. Makes it easier to see, understand and work.

Splitting cells in Excel is simple. As you can see, the process is quite intuitive. Follow the steps we took. And once you’ve done this a few times We are sure that this function will not be a secret for you.

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