How can you download WhatsApp video notes on your mobile?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular social platforms. Using it as a global messaging network is a great communication support. Among its various features, there are many interesting options. This makes their services continually innovative. for this Today we will show you how to download WhatsApp video notes.

This is undoubtedly one of the latest offers that the platform has to offer to internet users. which is innovative and eye-catching It gives us the possibility to send short messages in video format. They are concise, but they undoubtedly add expressiveness to our message. In this way, we can achieve an original, communicative, and natural effect, taking advantage of its purpose.


What is a video message? WhatsApp?

Record video is an alternative to voice memo in WhatsApp. This is just a small video that you can send within seconds. with a maximum duration of 60 seconds It will appear as a small circle within the chat, like normal text. It’s especially designed for when you need to say something quickly to a specific person.

The perfect choice in this case is video notes. It’s very easy. All you have to do is press and hold the button that starts recording..When you release the button The video will be sent The process is very short and fast. Allows you to send videos Say or express specific things as soon as they occur to you.

Messages shared using this option cannot be opened on the entire screen. You see it in the same circles they sent you.. That’s why it’s so easy to remember. Just click and you will experience all the features.

How do I enable and disable messages? Video By WhatsApp?

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the app is working properly. This needs to be updated. If not, then go to the Play Store. Google’s app store is available for Android devices.

What are the steps required for this?

  1. When you are at the beginning of the application You need to tap the three dots in the top right corner. This will take you to the options panel within Settings.
  2. When you have Select configuration options here.. You have to select the chat option.
  3. You will need List of available configurations Within these options You will need to disable video messages. Or check instead if it’s already disabled. To enable you to access the Service again.
  4. In this simple way You will learn how to enable and disable messages. whatsapp video
  5. This is undoubtedly an interesting option that we can use often.

How can you download WhatsApp video notes from your mobile phone?

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. open conversation Where do you get the video recording in question?
  2. Press and hold to record this video. until chosen and an options bar will appear at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap the share icon this way.It is shaped like an arrow pointing to the right.
  4. Select an application or service Where you want to save or share the video note. This can be your gallery, your email, your cloud, or any of the available options.
  5. Then follow the instructions provided. By the application or service you choose to complete the process.
  6. Video recordings we received They will be loaded as soon as we click on them. in them to reproduce

Where are these video recordings stored?

These files will be saved in a folder in your multimedia gallery. This means that these files will start taking up space in your phone’s internal memory. Therefore, it is worth finding out where the downloaded video notes are stored. Whether you should delete it or send it to a memory card or other device.

To find the folder where downloaded video notes are stored on your mobile phone. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter internal storage of your mobile phone
  2. open robot folder.
  3. In this folder you need to go to that folder. It’s called media..
  4. Find and access the com.WhatsApp folder.
  5. now Open WhatsApp folder
  6. Open the Media folder again and look for the WhatsApp video notes.
  7. Finally, we come to the folder where the platform’s video recordings are stored. Sort by date received or saved.

What can you do with the video clicks stored in this folder?

If you don’t and want to free up space. The best way is to delete it permanently. On the other hand, if you want to save You can copy video notes and transfer them to a microSD card.. In this operation from this folder You can play recorded videos outside of WhatsApp using the video player installed on your mobile phone.

How can you download WhatsApp video notes from the web?

This is another effective option if you want to record video notes. Not on your phone But it’s on the WhatsApp website. This is because there are users who want to use the web version.and manage your chats on your computer. Not many people know about this step, although you can do it perfectly.

If you follow these steps It will be very easy for you:

  1. First, open WhatsAppWeb.
  2. Go here once for a conversation. Chat with the specific video you want to download along with your notes.
  3. Move your mouse over the video. and click on the arrow that shows download options.
  4. Save the file like this on your computer in the location or folder where you want to keep it.

This choice will provide you with a better communication experience and You will have the opportunity to diversify your conversation.Focus on what you want as this option is very useful.

We hope so. You learned in this article how to download WhatsApp video notes. This is one of the relatively new platform alternatives. It is because of its characteristics that it has attracted a lot of attention from internet users. If you know anything else we should add. Let us know in the comments, we read your mind.

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