Goodbye Google Play Movies, its days are numbered.

For some, 2024 is about to start with bad news and it’s been confirmed. Google Play Movies has a number of days as a number.. This platform has been shut down and is no longer available on Google Play and Android TV.

The cancellation of this service by Google is related to the company’s efforts to simplify its video and audio streaming services. With the final objective of offering a more centralized service that guarantees a satisfying and comprehensive experience for users.


What is Google Play Movies?

This Google service Allows users to buy or rent movies. to enjoy on your smart device Whether it’s a smart TV or a phone.

One of its characteristics is There is an extensive library of audiovisual content. This includes everything from the newest releases to classics. This is something that users have always given high importance to.

On the other hand, As users, we can rent movies to watch for a limited time. Or buy directly through this platform in digital form.

now, Changes to streaming systems make Google to decide to permanently terminate this application

Announcement of “death”

at Google Play Movies’ days are numbered. It’s not something that surprises us. Because the California company has been warning about this for some time. So much so that the app, which at the time was renamed Google TV, has slowly disappeared and is now only available on Android TV.

The important date we need to remember is January 17, 2024. Because that’s the day Google Play Movies will be permanently discontinued. However, disconnects continue to occur. And it’s possible that users in some countries will lose access faster than others.

What happens to content received through this platform?

Now you know that Google Play Movies has had a number of days. And you’ll have to say goodbye to us soon. You may be concerned about the content you receive through this app.What will happen to him? Are you going to lose him? No, nothing like that.

If you want to access content you purchased at any point through this platform. Starting next January 17th, you’ll have to do it through YouTube. Expect a new tab to appear within this app that might be called “Purchases” or “Purchased.” In it, you’ll find content that you own because you previously acquired it. and you will be able to enjoy the content as usual.

To make the change faster and easier What we recommend for you is to download (If you don’t already have it) the YouTube application on your smart TV.

How to download YouTube on Smart TV

If you have not installed this app on your smart TV. You don’t have to worry. Because installation is quick and easy. In fact, On most recent televisions, it is installed by default.So you should check first. Just in case it’s already there and you haven’t noticed.

If not installed You just need to go to the application search and enter its name. You accept the download and installation. And you have everything ready to get started.

Access the application to identify your users and You’ll have quick access to the content you currently download through Google Play Movies. If you don’t want to download anything and access YouTube through your browser. The option to view purchased content will also appear. So in any case You will lose your favorite movies.

The evolution of video and audio streaming

Google’s decision to discontinue Google Play Movies was due to the need to adapt the service to the new times. Although streaming is relatively new,Its evolution is very fast. In fact, if you use Netflix or any other similar platform, You’ve surely noticed some significant changes over the past few years.

The disappearance of a shared account or Arrival of new plans at lower prices in exchange for users seeing ads. They are changing the way video and audio streaming works.

The future goal is to create a more advanced platform as well. An algorithm that is able to present each user with content that perfectly matches their tastes. Give you different ways to access that content. Whether through purchase, rental, with advertising, or paying a subscription that grants access to some or all of the catalog.

The way audiovisual content is consumed has changed a lot. Things that directly affect television

Prime-time programs air at times when there is expected to be more screen time. are finding it more difficult to maintain an audience. Since the 2023-2024 television season began, many shows have failed, some me.They disappeared from the schedule after only one or two broadcasts.

This is because the audience’s habits are gradually changing. They abandoned traditional television. and turned to streaming Platforms that offer these services Recognizing the increasing demand from the public Everyone is using the opportunity to adjust and change the services that we are familiar with.

Google Play Movies lasts a few days and will disappear permanently in a few weeks. But we can continue to enjoy the content we receive through the app. on our YouTube account, so we have nothing to worry about. In the meantime, we’ll wait and see how video and audio streaming evolves. And what surprises will be waiting for us in the future?

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