Book Effect in PowerPoint: How to do it?

The main purpose of a PowerPoint presentation is to make it interesting to the audience. Because this is the most effective way to capture attention and convey a message. That’s why any trick can be used to achieve this goal. What we will see in this post is what is called “Book Effect” in PowerPoint

It’s a very visual animation. It simulates the act of turning the pages of a book in front of the viewer’s eyes. In general, this effect and others It is used for transitions between slides. This way, whoever sees the presentation will feel as if they are reading a book on the screen.

In that case, instead of presenting our objective, Create a story or digital bookPowerPoint’s book effect resources are even more reasonable. In principle You should design a template that looks like a looped notebook or bound book. So that the final result is more appropriate and beautiful.

A simple digital book or slide presentation for any thing This little tutorial can help a lot.

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Why use the page turning effect?

Although many users consider this and other PowerPoint effects to be merely optional, they are almost symbolic. But the truth is that they are very important in delivering content. Because we already know that in this life the “how” often carries more weight than the “what”.

For example, the page or chapter turning effect is key in some topics, such as history, education, and philosophy. In a broader sense, Using these transition effects can help us tell the story. And that’s what we do. Our viewers may find it more interesting and refreshing. It’s always better than a boring and repetitive slide show.

How to use the effect

Adding a book effect to a PowerPoint document is quite easy. This function is also included in the program options.. However, there are some details that we must take into account. We explain it below:

  1. First, let’s go to the tab. «Transition» It’s on the toolbar above the screen.
  2. When we open it we will find many options. What we have to choose is «Roll face» (in English, Curl the face).
  3. Within the options we can Choose how we view pages. When we click on the presentation:
    1. Double left.
    2. Right pair.
    3. Only remaining.
    4. Only correct.

What is the difference between these options? Logically, the terms “left” and “right” refer to the direction we want the leaf to rotate. It is not nonsense if we think that there are many languages ​​​​in the world that are read from right to left. A well-known example is that of SheathJapanese manga which reads in the opposite direction to Western books.

On the other hand, to explain the importance of the word “Single and double” It must be taken into account that in PowerPoint you can create slides that simulate an open book, that is. You can divide the slide into two equal halves, as if they were two separate slides..In this way we can get a very attractive book effect.

It is still possible to do that the sheets automatically rotate every X secondswithout having to press any buttons or click the mouse. And much more: to make the book effect in PowerPoint more realistic. We can do it too. Add page turning sound (We’ll also find this option in the toolbox.)

Other Interesting Powerpoint Transitions

The “book effect” is just one of the many changes that PowerPoint offers us to mark the transition from one slide to another. Here is a list of everything we can do with this program. To display slides in a unique, fun, or beautiful way, different transitions are divided into Three main types (We’ve included only some of the most interesting):

subtle changes

Very discreet and simple Can be used for almost any type of presentation:

  • Transformation: The current slide is gradually subdivided. Change to the next slide.
  • fade away (fade away): A fade that gives way to the next slide.
  • Push: A new slide replaces the previous slide from the bottom.
  • Sweep: Same, but from the right side.
  • Split: The slide opens halfway. to make way for a new slide

Eye-catching changes

These are the things we use to capture our audience’s attention.

  • Curtain: Simulates a theater curtain which opens to show the next slide.
  • Wind: Simulates the blowing of wind that “drags” the current slide to display the next slide.
  • Fracture: Slide breaks as if it were glass. Then the pieces fell away, revealing the next one.
  • Clock: New slides are displayed according to the rhythm and direction of an imaginary clock.
  • Crush: An invisible hand crushes the slide until it turns into a paper ball. and make way for the next slide.

Dynamic content

Applies only to text or images: moving, transporting, flying…

Finally, we would like to remind PowerPoint users that transitions are not required. (Though it’s recommended.) In fact, one of the options in these categories is “No change”

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