Apple Vision Pro has not yet seen the light of day to the public because the first shipments will begin at the end of January 2024. Actually, the date when Apple will open the purchase period is still unknown and is expected at this early stage. Only about 500,000 units are available for sale. This will be Apple’s first test to validate interest in the device. But even we don’t have this first version with us yet. There are already rumors about the Apple Vision Pro 2 coming with an improved micro-LED screen. This increases the effectiveness of the product and improves the shine.

Improvements to the micro-LED panel in Apple Vision Pro 2

23 megapixels spread across two screens is the Wild screen that the Apple Vision Pro has. Both Micro-LED screens have 4K resolution per eye, making them the centerpiece of the entire product. With Eye Tracking technology, users will be able to interact with the operating system, VisionOS, along with their hand movements. Remember, Apple Vision Pro. They can go on sale throughout January in the United States. And the first shipments will begin in late January or early February.

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The first Apple Vision Pro will be available in late January.

a few hours ago New information about the second generation of Apple’s virtual reality glasses, Apple Vision Pro 2, has leaked in The Elec. The main information refers to Evolution of the screen The intention is to update both screens to add RGB OLEDoS in 2027, that is. Much brighter and more efficient than the current screen

The difference between OLEDoS and WOLED, which are the technologies currently in use, is that The first can create light and color. directly from neighboring RGB subpixels on a single layer. without using a color filter This allows you to increase the brightness of your screen and vice versa. It consumes less electricity and is more efficient. The latter is relevant considering the Apple Vision Pro’s battery life is limited.

In principle, Apple Vision Pro 2 with hardware modifications will see the light of day in 2027. Some experts point to a slight update to the glasses in 2025 to make the glasses more affordable for the general public. However, analysts other people I tend to be more suspicious of this information.