6 Best Applications to Take Care of Your Health on Android Phones

now Our use of mobile devices has practically revolutionized the way we carry out our activities. Taking care of our health is one of the most beneficial areas. We will talk about the best applications for your health. All available in the Play Store.

Each of these apps is developed for a specific purpose. Even though all apps have the same facts. They will help in a special way to achieve the perfect balance between physical health and emotional stability.The best thing is that most of them are free and very easy to use.

This is the best application to take care of your health both physically and mentally:


Root-relief Anxiety

Accepting that mental health is just as important as mental health with clear physical healthAnxiety affects almost all our body systems in very different ways.Hence the importance of working with it. If you experience panic attacks or anxiety No matter how minor or serious the symptoms are. This app will be very useful to you.

There are many things. Breathing exercises to calm anxiety Lessons to inform and educate you about what happened to you And above all, know how to respond and take steps to improve. It is becoming very popular on the Play Store. It has been downloaded more than a million times. In addition to the excellent score

ekilu-recipe recipe healthy

with this app You can enjoy more than 2000 healthy and balanced recipes.This will greatly improve your nutrition, physique, and mental health. Best of all, it’s super easy to make using ingredients you have at your fingertips.

The features I like most are:

  • There is a meal planning section. that helps you prepare menus throughout the week. This way you won’t waste time and food preparing other recipes.
  • Eat healthy too. The recipe is very simple. In action.
  • Have knowledge and Track your daily food intake. What you consume

Even though this app is free. Of course, the premium version has additional tools. Interestingly, it has been downloaded over 1 million times and reviews are generally very good.

BetterMe: Health Coaching

Control your body weight Control your stress levels and release energy using this practice. and a multi-purpose app where you can practice calisthenics, pilates, and more.

The aspects that make us love are:

  • Count one too. Our approach to wellness is completely individual.That is, the app adapts to your schedule, lifestyle, and expectations about the app.
  • Training is available for any person. Whether for beginners or for others who have adapted to proper life. Moreover, it is definitely a very complete routine and training plan.
  • can Find a nutrition plan that have been meticulously created by experts in that field
  • Count your steps too. and the water you consume each day.

If you want to download this app You can find it in the Play Store as you wish. You should know that it is quite popular and has positive reviews. by internet users with a rating of 4.1 stars

Step counter

this Apps with pedometer functionality use the sensors included in your device. to track your steps over a specified period of time Whether daily, weekly or monthly. Not using GPS for tracking also means that it uses much less battery power on your phone.

Its popular features are:

  • Save a lot of battery life of your mobile device
  • You do not need to pay to unlock options or tools. It’s all free. And it’s all ready to use.
  • It is not necessary for you to keep this app running all day long. But you can do as you please.
  • Find reports organized with fun, intuitive graphics that you’ll keep track of.

There are many themes available for customizing your app’s user interface. which we think is one of the best free healthcare applications in the Play Store. Since its launch until the present It has been downloaded more than 50 million times. unimportant numbers

sleep tracking

With the tools and functionalities this app has to offer you. You will be able to carefully monitor your sleeping habits. Whether it’s the number of hours you sleep The quality of your sleep schedule and even your snoring

It is a complete and very useful application. If you are one of those people who often suffer from insomnia. This will undoubtedly have a significant impact on your quality of life.

The 6 things you can do with this app are:

  • Discover the length of your sleep cycle. and their depth
  • You can record your snoring.and even listen to what you say while you sleep.
  • Relax and sleep better Bedtime.
  • Set your alarm to wake up the best you can.
  • Track your mood When you go to bed or wake up In addition to other interesting information

If the features of this application arouse interest in you. You can find it in the Play Store as you wish. It has accumulated over a million downloads. And in general, Android users love it.

Reminder to drink water

We could spend hours listing all the benefits that drinking water correctly can have on your health. So this app is very useful. If you are one of those people who often forgets to drink enough water during the day. This way, all the negative effects that it can have on your body will be easily controlled.

What tools does this app have?

  • It will send you a notification.which you can configure yourself or use what the app pre-sets.
  • You can add your favorite drink. and that you normally consume This way the hydration index and the amount of water you should consume are calculated.
  • The app will adjust your water needs. According to the weather conditions, the participation of this liquid is more or less required.
  • Portable Proper control of your weight Your body and body mass index
  • app It creates user-friendly graphics for you. Statistics of your water usage over a specified period of time.

The ease of use of this app is a feature that works well. It is definitely popular and loved by millions of internet users.which often leave positive reviews in the Play Store

We hope that in this article You found the best application to take care of your health in the Play Store. Each of them has a different purpose, although they are very useful. The best thing is that you can search for free.

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