3D printed seeds for reforestation

3D printed seeds for reforestation

Technology is advancing at the same time that the ecosystem is facing rapid and unprecedented decline. Wouldn’t it be great if technological advances could help restore or preserve the environment, don’t you think? We have good news. It’s not that we have to throw bells in the air. But something is already being achieved in this regard: 3D printers may become a useful tool in partnering with sustainability and fighting fires, droughts, and climate change. including helping to plant forests Examples include: 3D printed seeds.

You may have heard that with a 3D printer, you can produce high-quality food, clothing, and all sorts of products. It looks like something from science fiction. This is true. But it is also true that this type of technology What seems like magic to us is almost as real as your own hands or legs. You can touch, eat, and in this case, plant, to reforest burned areas.

Okay, we’re talking about Seeds created using a 3D printer But what do you do? Until you see it with your own eyes, you won’t believe it because it’s not an easy thing to do. We understand it, but pay attention and know everything about them. You’ll lose your mind!


What do plant seeds created using a 3D printer look like?

3D printed seeds for reforestation

Even the name catches your attention because Seeds created by a 3D printer was called Let’s go our separate ways..but it consists of a number of seeds that have been genetically improved. To be able to germinate more quickly and can restore forests after fires And we all know how important it is to have green lungs and the devastation that wildfires cause.

When the forest burns It was decades or even centuries before various plant species existed. will return to the original area The researchers aim to shorten the time period. So that reforestation can begin immediately. and help restore the environment and protect our health and the ecosystem as a whole.

They are young students who have decided to embark on an adventure working on this project. They were looking for the perfect way to speed up the recovery of damaged plants. Doing it by hand and starting to plant one plant at a time. or species to species Then plant again It can be a task that takes countless hours and is not complicated. The whole process is too slow.

Planting by hand is very slow and tedious. But growing in the air by sowing seeds is not very effective. But now we can have an efficient, simple and promising method thanks to Disperseed.

Scattered seed balls

Let’s go our separate ways. There is nothing other than seed ballswhich contains a certain amount of seeds all of which were created through 3D printer. The ball is very reminiscent of a decorative ball. It’s similar to the balls we hang on the Christmas tree at the holidays. But aside from being beautiful, What’s really important is the efficiency in bringing life back to the forest

Place these seed balls. hanging from a tree that can survive fire or be placed directly on the ground They include various edible materials and plants. It is not toxic to the health of animals if they eat it. and more than that They can be printed with any food printer we have available.

Yes, now we know you’re thinking that not everyone has a 3D food printer at home, but hey! These printers are becoming more common, and yes, it’s likely that more than one user will be lucky enough to have one of these printers in their home.

How do these scattered seeds help restore forests?

3D printed seeds for reforestation

As we mentioned, these 3D seeds contain plants, seeds, and other materials. that is perfectly edible Little birds are the ones who predictably eat by pecking at these balls. And doing so will help spread the seeds throughout the forest.

In addition, when the seeds are eaten, there will be droppings in the feces and will be spread throughout the area to grow trees. These seeds will be ready to germinate. Not forgetting that animal excrement acts as fertilizer and food for plants. Everything is studied for you to be. Seeds made with a 3D printer They are revolutionary and promising inventions.

This seed spreader ball has two functions. This is because, on the one hand, it feeds the birds, which are left without food after a fire. On the other hand, the birds’ feeding itself contributes to their subsequent dispersal and germination. Do you see how technology can bring us truly amazing things?

The seed balls are red, reminiscent of seeds and fruits found naturally on trees. Therefore, birds will think they are edible and will be attracted to them.

Advantages of these seeds produced with 3D printers for reforestation

There are other advantages that we can add besides what we have already seen about these seed balls that technology has helped us achieve in a very short time, such as: The seeds selected are: non-pyrophytic speciesThat is, it does not burn easily, so the new forest created is more resistant to fire.

It’s about a Sustainable reforestation systemIt also leaves no trace in nature because it has a biodegradable potato starch base. No plastic or other hazardous materials. Everything is eco-friendly, sustainable and made with wisdom and love for nature.

Isn’t it amazing what technology can achieve? There are some students who have achieved these feats. 3D printed seeds for reforestation. They were young Spanish boys. Students of the Yudesign group of Spontaneous UPV generation. about? There is a lot of potential between our students and their inventions. It is without a doubt an example of ingenuity and a socially and ecologically responsible attitude.

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